Privacy Policy

Dear User,

Please read the Privacy Policy (hereinafter “this Policy”) of Galanz websites carefully (especially written in Bold) and confirm to acknowledge the processing rules of Guangdong Galanz Enterprises Co., Ltd. and affiliates (hereinafter “Galanz” or “We”) that the owner of Galanz websites for users’ personal information. During reading this Policy, if you have any questions, you can contact us via the email address provided herein. If you don’t agree to any content of this Policy, please stop browsing the Galanz websites immediately.

To protect your personal information better, the clause of this Policy probably updating at any time. If you access or continue to access our websites, which will be regarded as accepting all contents of this Policy and agreeing with us to collection, using, reserving, and sharing your relating information.

Galanz attaches much importance to the users’ privacy and the protection of personal information. When you use our products and services, we would collect and use your relating information. We hope to explain our method of how to protect your personal information and privacy security by list the privacy policy as below. When you use the services of Galanz websites, we will observe this Policy on the collection, using, and sharing of your personal information. This Policy includes the clauses in our collecting, reserving, using, sharing, and protecting from your information, so we advise you read this Policy totally, which can help you realize the defense of your privacy privileges.



“Personal information” refers to all kinds of information recorded by electronic or other means that can identify the identity or reflect the activities of a specific natural person, either alone or in combination with other information.

·When & What will we collect

(a) Identify information: The information you had been showed in public (such as the account logged on browser) when you visit our websites, including your name, nickname, telephone, date of birth, e-mail address and profile photo; another case is that the questionnaires or User Experience Plan supplied by us which record your response to our services and other information relating your submit.

(b) Device information: When you browse Galanz websites to use our services, we may obtain your information about your device, including device identifiers, IP address and operating system version, etc.

(c) Preference information: We would collect your data to provide individual services, including your online duration, time of log and visit, preferred type of products and other information that your visit behavior. Furthermore, we would collect the information of your interact with our cooperators.

(d) Sensitive personal information: We have to special reminder for you that some sensitive information may be collected, such as your account information, location information (include but not limit nearby WI-FI access point, country or city code and language settings), etc./p>

·Why we collect

The purpose of this collection is that to ensure you search for products and services about your need immediately:

·To respond to your requests.
·To provide products display and service in our website.
·To send the message to you with services, notifications and any others.
·To improve our websites functions and supply better experience in defending or intercepting malware for you.


·Sharing, transfer or disclosure of your information


We won’t share your personal information with any other company, organization and people, except in these cases below:

(a) Acquiring your clear admit and authorize in advance.
(b) Supplying in the necessary situation, according to laws, requirements of law process, compulsive requirements of administration and justice.
(c) Supplying in the extent permitted by law to protect you, other users, Galanz and its cooperators, social public interests, property and security far away from attacking.
(d) Sharing your information is the only one way to achieve core function of our products or services, or to supply your necessary services.
(e) According to your requirement to deal with disputes and conflicts between you and others.
(f) According to the relevant terms signed with you (including online electronic terms, etc.) or other legal documents to supply;
(g) Supplying for academic research.
(h) Complying with laws and social public interests.
(i) Other circumstance in laws.


We won’t transfer your personal information to any other company, organization and people, except in these cases below:

(a) Acquiring your clear admit and authorize in advance.
(b) Supplying in the necessary situation, according to laws, requirements of law process, compulsive requirements of administration and justice.
(c) When involving mergers, acquisitions, asset transfers or similar transactions, such as transfer of personal information, we will require the companies or organizations whom holding your personal information to obey this Policy, otherwise, we will require them obtain your consent again.
(d) Other circumstance in laws.


After taking safety protection measures, we will disclosure your personal information only in the circumstance as below:

(a) According to your requirements and complying with your clearly instructions.
(b) Supplying in the necessary situation, according to laws, requirements of law process, compulsive requirements of administration and justice. In those cases, we probably disclosure your personal information relying on your information types.
(c) Other circumstance in laws.


(a) After we collect your personal information, we will desensitize your information through technical means such as content replacement and anonymity for it won’t be identified the owners. Please acknowledge and agree, in this situation, we have rights to use that incomplete information; and at the same time, we have access to analyze the user database and use for commercial purposes.
(b) We will count and analyze how products and services use, probably we would share this analyzed information to the public or third party, for which show the overall tends in our products and services. But this information doesn’t include your any identified types.


·Basic Way

(a) We pay a great attention to your personal information and will take any suitable measure to protect your information.
(b) We only permit our staff and cooperators access to your personal information, for that we set a seriously system accessing to control and monitor. We also require any one that would touch your information on duty of confidential performance.
(c) We will take any suitable measure to ensure to avoid collecting irrelevant personal information. Only will we retain your information about achieving to this Policy’s purpose set out in the clause as long as necessary, except when we need to prolong the dates or permitted by laws.


(a) Please pay attention when you successfully apply to delete or anonymize your information, we will immediately complete your information verification, then we will delete or anonymize your information.
(b) If we stop our services or operation, we will inform you at least before 30 days, and after that we will delete or anonymize your information.


Galanz pays great attention to your personal information, and do our best to protect your rights to correct, delete and withdraw consent, for which you have full ability to guarantee your privacy and safe. Your rights including as below:

·Review & Look up

Galanz websites don’t approve you to review and access information submitted for the moment. If you need review your information, please by the form of submitting “Join Message” to contact with us, and we will change your information on 7 work days after receiving your requirements.


Galanz websites don’t approve you to correct information submitted for the moment. If you need change your information, please by the form of submitting “Join Message” to contact with us, and we will change your information on 7 work days after receiving your requirements.


Galanz websites don’t approve you to delete information submitted for the moment. If you need delete your information, please by the form of submitting “Join Message” to contact with us, and we will delete your information on 7 work days after receiving your requirements.
You can make a request about deleting on the under these circumstances:
(a) We deal with your information violate laws and regulations.
(b) We collect and use your information but without your permission.
(c) We deal with your information violate the appoint with you.
(d) We stop services and operation.

·Change Scope & Withdraw

You can change or withdraw your scope of authorization about continuing collection your personal information by closing your device or making a requirement to us. If you need change or withdraw your scope of authorization, please by the form of submitting “Join Message” to contact with us, and we will deal with on 7 work days after receiving your requirements.

Please comprehend that every service function achieves only by using some basic personal information. When you agree to withdraw or authorize, we won’t continue to supply corresponding services and deal with your information. But your behavior won’t influence our former using.


(a) Please contact with us when you need to delete, correct, access your other information appearing in the process of your using our products and services. We will response your request immediately.
(b) Those requests we will refuse that include unreasonable repetition, needing overmuch technical method (such as totally change existing traditions or need to develop new system), bring risk of others legal interest or totally impractical (such as relevant to the information saved in tape).


·Galanz makes much account of Children’s personal information. The definition of “Children” is under the age of 16, or any other age be restricted by the laws of the country of their nationality. If you under the legal age, you should get your parents’ or guardians’ permission before use Galanz websites, our products or services.

·In the case of collecting Children’s information with their parents or guardians’ agreement, we only will use or disclose permitted by law, agreed by their parents or guardians or protected them in necessary.

·If we find our collecting is not permitted by Children’s parents and guardians, we will delete relevant data immediately.


This Policy probably changes and without your clear permission we won’t reduce your rights included in it. We also shall provide obvious notification (including certain services, we shall explain the specific changes of it by setting the notices on Galanz website affiche or news.) for any important changes. The “Important Change” referred thereof is including but not limit as below:

(a) Our way of service (such as the purpose, types, using method of dealing with information) has been major changed.
(b) The main target of personal information public disclose has been major changed.
(c) Your rights or its’ exertion of dealing with personal information have been major changed.
(d) Our responsible department, contacting way and complaints hotline has been changed which in charge of personal information.
(e) The Personal Information Security Impact Assessment Report shows high-risk.

7. Contact With Us

If you have any questions, advice or suggestion about this Policy, please contact with us by email at [email protected].

After the communication with us, if you are still not satisfied with our processing method, you should file the lawsuit to the court with jurisdiction in the place where Guangdong Galanz Enterprises Co., Ltd.

Please put your attention on the clause written in bold. If you use or continue using Galanz websites or Galanz relevant services, which considered completely accept this Policy. Please confirm again and totally comprehend this Policy on every clause of it.